You probably know that our future is multivariate, which means it can change depending on our behavior. This is very good news. This 3 card Tarot free reading will help you get your bearings in advance and prepare for the new week. Of course, you don’t have to look into the future, but why not if there is such a chance? Weekly Tarot is free and it is for your favor any time you need it.

Use free online Tarot spread to find out what topics will be important to you next week. It is possible that the answers received in the reading will inspire you to make interesting decisions or changes in plans. Even if you get bad cards, don’t be discouraged – you have time to change everything.
Please note that we also have free online Tarot reading for the day.
How to Use the Weekly Tarot
This online weekly free Tarot can be used like other spreads. So, you should concentrate on your upcoming week. Then take a deep breath and ask the Tarot for the answers. Mentally ask the question: ‘What topics will be important to me in the next week?’ Finally, pick three cards form the screen. You will receive your result automatically below the cards.
What topics will be important to me next week?