Tarot Cards List – 78 cards

tarot cards list

Tarot Cards List – 78 cards

Suit of Swords

King of Swords. Key words: a lawyer, senator, doctor; head over heart, discipline, truth.

Queen of Swords. Key words: complexity, perceptiveness, clear mindedness; a widow.

Knight of Swords. Key words: a soldier, man of arms, satellite, stipendiary; heroic action predicted for soldier; action, impulsiveness, defending beliefs.

Page of Swords. Key words: curiosity, restlessness, mental energy; an indiscreet person will pry into your secrets.

Ten of Swords. Key words: a bad card; failure, collapse, defeat.

Nine of Swords. Key words: an ecclesiastic, a priest; generally, a card of bad omen; anxiety, hopelessness, trauma.

Eight of Swords. Key words: for a woman, scandal spread in her respect; imprisonment, entrapment, self-victimization.

Seven of Swords. Key words: a good card; it promises a country life after a competence has been secured; also, deception, trickery, tactics and strategy.

Six of Swords. Key words: the voyage will be pleasant; transition, leaving behind, moving on.

Five of Swords. Key words: an attack on your fortune; unbridled ambition, win at all costs, sneakiness.

Four of Swords. Key words: a bad card, but if reversed a qualified success may be expected by wise administration of affairs; rest, restoration, contemplation.

Three of Swords. Key words: for a woman, the flight of her lover; heartbreak, suffering, grief.

Two of Swords. Key words: gifts for a lady, influential protection for a man in search of help; difficult choices, indecision, stalemate.

Ace of Swords. Key words: great prosperity or great misery; breakthrough, clarity, sharp mind.