Suit of Cups
Ace of Cups Two of Cups Three of Cups Four of Cups Five of Cups Six of Cups Seven of Cups Eight of Cups Nine of Cups Ten of Cups Page of Cups Knight of Cups Queen of Cups King of Cups
King of Cups. Key words: beware of ill-will on the part of a man of position, and of hypocrisy pretending to help; compassion, control, balance.
Queen of Cups. Key words: sometimes denotes a woman of equivocal character; compassion, calm, comfort.
Knight of Cups. Key words: a visit from a friend, who will bring unexpected money to your; following the heart, idealist, romantic.
Page of Cups. Key words: good augury; also a young man who is unfortunate in love; happy surprise, dreamer, sensitivity.
Ten of Cups. Key words: for a male , a good marriage; inner happiness, fulfillment, dreams coming true.
Nine of Cups. Key words: of good augury for military men; satisfaction, emotional stability, luxury.
Eight of Cups. Key words: marriage with a fair woman; walking away, disillusionment, leaving behind.
Seven of Cups. Key words: fair child; idea, design, resolve, movement; searching for purpose, choices, daydreaming.
Six of Cups. Key words: pleasant memories; familiarity, happy memories, healing.
Five of Cups. Key words: generally favorable; a happy marriage; also patrimony, legacies, gifts, success in enterprise; loss, grief, self-pity.
Four of Cups. Key words: contrarieties.; apathy, contemplation, and disconnectedness.
Three of Cups. Key words: unexpected advancement for a military man; friendship, community, happiness.
Two of Cups. Key words: favorable in things of pleasure and business, as well as in love; also wealth and honor; unity, partnership, connection.
Ace of Cups. Key words: inflexible will, unalterable law; new feelings, spirituality, intuition.