The Minor Arcana Tarot (or sometimes Lesser Arcana) are the 56 suit cards. The full Tarot deck consists of the 78 cards. The Minor Arcana involve four suits with 14 cards each. The Minor Arcana regularly utilize such suits: wands, swords, cups, and pentacles. Every Minor Arcana card is numbered one (ace) to ten, with the exception of the court cards – page, knight, queen and king. Sometimes page is called as princess or prince.

Minor Arcana: Suit of Wands
Suit of Wands related with the element of fire. This suit symbolizes inspiration and motivation, willpower, enthusiasm and self-discipline. The suit of Wands fill us with base vitality and energy. In view of their capacity to bring vitality into any circumstance, the Wands are additionally connected with activity, aspiration and making arrangements. Even under the least favorable conditions, they can allude to circumstances that are loaded up with carelessness and absence of bearing.
Keep on reading to know more about other minor arcana tarot suits.
Minor Arcana Tarot: Suits of Swords
This suit is about truth and logical thinking, mental insights, rationale thinking, ambitions. But it also related with conflicts. In tarot readings, the suit of swords centers around the intensity of mind, which like the sword. This quality can be used for evil and for good as well. In the worst case, the suit of swords can symbolize physical harm, heartlessness and excessive categorization. The suit of swords associated with the element of air.
Ace of Swords Two of Swords Three of Swords Four of Swords Six of Swords Seven of Swords Eight of Swords Nine of Swords Ten of Swords Page of Swords Knight of Swords Queen of Swords King of Swords
If you want to know more, please read on.
Minor Arcana Tarot: Suit of Cups
The main associations that come to the mind when it comes about the suit of cups are emotions, feelings, intuition and creativity. What else? Minor Arcana of Tarot – the suit of cups is connected with talking about people connections and romantic relationships; one’s creative mind and one’s inner world. This suit is related with the element of water. You can see that connection in the card images. From a pessimistic standpoint, the suit of caps is fret with uncontrolled sentiments, dreams, and a distinction with your inner voice.
Ace of Cups Two of Cups Three of Cups Four of Cups Five of Cups Six of Cups Seven of Cups Eight of Cups Nine of Cups Ten of Cups Page of Cups Knight of Cups Queen of Cups King of Cups
Keep reading in order to reveal the last minor arcana tarot suit.
Minor Arcana: Suit of Pentacles
The pentacles is about everything common and material like food, and house. Despite the fact that we often quickly think about the pentacles as identifying with money issues, we likewise can comprehend them as being related with security, wellbeing, health and stability. The pentacles associated with the element of earth. At the point when we see pentacles appear in tarot readings, they are generally worried about your future, vocation, liberality, your family unit, business speculations and your sentiments of erotic nature. The negative side of the suit of pentacles appear as jealousy and greed.
Ace of Pentacles Two of Pentacles Three of Pentacles Four of Pentacles Five of Pentacles Six of Pentacles Seven of Pentacles Eight of Pentacles Nine of Pentacles Ten of Pentacles Page of Pentacles Knight of Pentacles Queen of Pentacles King of Pentacles
That is all about the minor arcana of the Tarot. If you want to learn more about tarot cards meanings, you are welcome to our Tarot Meanings Category.