The Hierophant tarot is a card concerned with your relationship to rules and structure. At times that can indicate a real need for that structure for really following existing traditions and the ways of doing things. But at other times, our relationship with the Hierophant tarot can be more contentious. It can indicate that we shouldn’t just follow blindly and that we need to make our own rules.

The Hierophant Tarot: Keywords
The Hierophant also known as the Pope is a card of guidance, especially of spiritual guidance. But here is not just regular guidance. Sometimes the guidance you need isn’t only spiritualist. Other type of guides may be there – professional guidance, for example. We have usually some type of structured well-established essence.
That’s in coming into your life or needs to be there to move forward. Keywords for the Hierophant: conformity, ritualistic tradition compliance, enlightened community, something professional, type of information or guidance that’s needed to come into your realm before to move forward.