While the Lovers Tarot card can indicate harmony within a relationship with another person, it really is more about that harmony. Unity within the self when parts of the self are merged together. You can exist in this great state of wholeness. In addition, that really is the start of true independence in your life. It’s learning how to think for yourself and make decisions that progress your life.
In fact, there is another meeting when this card comes up intervening. It can indicate that you have a need to make some sort of major decision. So evaluating this card in the context and spread can be extremely helpful to you determining your next steps in life.

The Lovers Tarot: Keywords
The essential thing about the Lovers card, in the Tarot Marseille it is just the lover. It’s singular. And that was before this deck came out. Therefore, the Lovers is usually considered choice. It is about duality. Keywords: a team, a strong bond cooperation, partnership, devotion, compromise, commitment polarity, opposites, magnetism.