The Tower Tarot

The Tower Tarot is the sixteenth card. Read about the Tower tarot meaning and its keywords in this post. The Tower is a card of Major Arcana.

The Devil Tarot

The Devil Tarot is the fifteenth card. Read about the Devil tarot meaning and its keywords in this post. The Devil is a card of Major Arcana.

Temperance Tarot

Temperance Tarot is the fourteenth card. Read about Temperance tarot meaning and its keywords in this post. Temperance is a card of Major Arcana.

The Death Tarot

The Death Tarot is the thirteenth card. Read about The Death tarot meaning and its keywords in this post. The Death is a card of Major Arcana.

The Hangman Tarot

The Hangman Tarot is the twelfth card. Read about The Hangman tarot meaning and its keywords in this post. The Hangman is a card of Major Arcana.

Justice Tarot

Justice Tarot is the eleventh card. Read about Justice meaning and its keywords in this post. Justice is a card of Major Arcana.