The Wheel of Fortune Tarot

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot is the tenth card. Read about The Wheel of Fortune meanings and its keywords. The Wheel of Fortune is a card of Major Arcana.

The Hermit Tarot

The Hermit Tarot is the ninth card. Read about the Hermit meanings and its keywords in this post. The Hermit is a card of Major Arcana of the Tarot.

Strength Tarot

Strength Tarot is the eighth card. Read about Strength meanings and its keywords in this post. Strength is a card of Major Arcana of the Tarot.

The Chariot Tarot

The Chariot Tarot is the seventh card. Read here about the Chariot meanings and their keywords in this post. The Chariot is a card of Major Arcana.

The Lovers Tarot

The Lovers Tarot is the sixth card. Read here about the Lovers meanings and their keywords in this post. The Lovers is a card of Major Arcana.

The Hierophant Tarot

The Hierophant Tarot is the fifth card. Read here about the Hierophant meanings and its keywords in this post. The Hierophant is a card of Major Arcana.

The Emperor Tarot

The Emperor is the forth card of the Tarot. Read here about the Emperor meanings and its keywords in this post. The Emperor is a card of Major Arcana.

The Empress Tarot

The Empress Tarot is the third card. Read here about the Empress meanings and its keywords here.The Empress is a card of Major Arcana.

The High Priestess Tarot

The High Priestess Tarot is the second card. Read here about the High Priestess meanings and its keywords here.The High Priestess is a card of Major Arcana.