You’ve been dating your partner for a while. You may even live together. Your relationship is going well and you want more, but for some reason your partner does not make you an offer to marry him. This free wedding tarot can help you clear things up.
How to Use this Free Wedding Tarot?
A wedding is definitely a happy event in the life of any person. This event is a celebration of the formation of a new family. Every woman dreams of a beautiful dress, a ring and a sea of flowers. But that all will be later. Your partner must first propose to you. You’re waiting, but he is in no hurry. Does it sound familiar? So this wedding free online tarot reading is for you.

Here is a very short instruction on how to start this tarot reading:
- Think about your partner or a person you want to ask about. Then relax and let your thoughts go.
- Now ask the Universe, “Will I marry “name of the person”?
- Then choose a card on the screen. Your free tarot reading will appear below the cards.
Sometimes we can receive an unpleasant or unwanted answer. If Tarot cards give you a negative answer, don’t be upset. You can read an article 3 Reasons Why He Will Never Marry You. Also keep in mind, the answer is given at the time here and now. Thus, everything can change after some time.